Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thursday-Saturday in Uganda

Thursday, August 7
After a long Wednesday, I was feeling a little sorry for myself this morning when the alarm went off at 5:20 am for my second session preaching the radio. I found Jimmy, one of the pastors, waiting for me in the foyer. I had last seen him the night before, working on the cow that was to be lunch. I asked him when he went to bed, and he responded that he had not gone to bed. He’d worked all night!

The celebration with True Love started with a parade through town, led by a small marching band. The service followed, which ended up being more than four hours long. One of our friends from previous visits, P.P. Anyon-Anyon arrived with some gifts for Nancy George and for Darcie and me. Nancy and I received G-nuts (their term for peanuts.) Darcie received a live chicken! (It became part of our lunch, as we couldn’t figure out if we should check it or carry it on.) That night we had a nice ceremony of goodbyes, and it ended up being a very late night.

Friday, August 8
We took a different route back. It was much longer, but quicker given the better quality of roads. The other nice thing was arriving back in Kampala much less shaken! Dinner was at the Shelton’s, and it was great! We watched part of the opening ceremonies and enjoyed our time with Misti and Anthony.

Saturday, August 9
We started the day visiting one of the house churches Misti and Anthony have worked with. Its in the midst of the largest slum in Kampala and was an experience for all of us, wandering through the tight passages and stepping over the streams of open sewage. In a situation beyond comprehension, the Christians were radiant!
We spent the afternoon going to the market and heading to the airport for Nairobi. Once we landed our group parted, and Mike, Joel, and I headed to baggage claim while the rest waited for their flight to England. They had the nice surprise of running into the Kenya team who arrived right on our heels—a meeting of FBC missions coming and going.

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