Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 2 at the BCC

Today was the first day to really dive into our work at the BCC, and the day seemed to go remarkably smoothly.  On the medical side, we were told to expect about 300 orphans from other orphanages coming for checkups.  We were a little concerned about that number, but we instead had a much more manageable 35 or so.  One group of kids walked with their one staff member 24 kilometers each way!   Since there were not as many children, we were able to open up to the community a day early.  We say around 140 people.  

Carter and Sue were able to start their work with spiritual care and met with 54 people, 20 of whom prayed to accept Christ!  We hope to have Bibles tomorrow for them to use in their work.

The VBS folks also had a good day.  As we learned last year these children have a great deal of Bible knowledge!  They also led the singing with great gusto.  

All are feeling well, and we're excited about tomorrow!


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