Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Great Tuesday

Tuesday, August 12
Things are really humming along here. Along with the staff of the BCC, we’ve really ironed out some of the process for the medical clinic. We’re seeing just as many people, but thankfully we have not had the sustained, frantic pace of last year. Carter and Sue had a remarkable conversation with a young man, Shadrach, who leads a gang in the area and who was recently released from prison for murder! The pastor at the BCC church had previously told the story of Paul to this man, and Carter was able to share the story of David. They had Shadrach read Psalm 51, and he paused after every verse, eyes wide, seeing himself in those verses. Please pray that his commitment made to Christ will finally change his life and help to change his neighborhood!

The VBS is going very well as these are truly remarkable children. Please pray for our continued effectiveness. Pray for Shadrach and his girlfriend, Sonya, who seemed less than enthusiastic about what happened today. Please pray for those we are seeing at the clinic for physical health and that they might experience the touch of our great Healer!

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